“ I list, as thy heart and ascending aorta
Their volumes of valvular harmony pour,
And my soul, from that muscular music has caught a
New life, ‘ mid its dry anatomical lore.
Browsing Category: Love
A Discovery in Biology
Posted in:
I THINK I know what Cupid Is:
Bacteria Amoris;
Sir Medicus Challenged
Posted in:
WHAT skilled physician owns the art
To heal the hurt done to my heart
By Daphne, mischief of Diana’s train,
Who wickedly doth joy her in my pain…
Fin-de-Siecle Love Song
Posted in:
GIVE me your hand and let me feel your pulse
And learn how fares your cardiac apparatus.
Whether it starts and beats uncertainly.
While Cupid aims his keen swift arrow at us…
The New Doctor
Posted in:
AH, Doctor, your hand! So! And now, as I hold
This palm that I value so truly,
Here ‘s a bill for your bill, though I warrant the gold
Cannot pay all my debt to you duly…