I THINK I know what Cupid Is:
Bacteria Amoris;
The Doctor’s Message
Posted in:
MY little patient, gone so soon before,
To that mysterious, much desired shore;
Whenyou come there, where yet I hope to be,
-hat will you tell the blessed Lord for me ?
A Fourteenth Century Doctor
Posted in:
WITH us ther was a Doctor of Phisike.
In all this world ne was ther non him like
To spek of phisike, and of surgerie :
For he was grounded in astronomie.
The Stethoscope Song. A Professional Ballad
Posted in:
There was a young man in Boston town,
He bought him a stethoscope nice and new,
All mounted and finished and polished down,
With an ivory cap and a stopper too…
Surgery Vs. Medicine
Posted in:
I am a surgeon, and in making this assertion
‘ Tis my apology for doing what I can
To set aside that undeserved aspersion…
The Physician
Posted in:
ANOTHER, all whose face
Bore marks of patience, train’d by years of care.
His glasses, shifted oft with easy grace…
The Quack Doctor’s Proclamation
Posted in:
AN astonishing Doctor has just come to town,
Who will do all the faculty perfectly brown :
He knows all diseases, their causes and ends;
And he “begs to appeal to his medical friends…
Posted in:
HAVE you got the new disorder?
If you haven’t ’tis in order
To succumb to it at once without delay.
It is called appendicitis…
The Doctor
Posted in:
In love he practiced, and in patience taught…
The Doctor’s Dream
Posted in:
I am sitting alone, by the surgery fire, with my pipe alight, now the day is done;
The village is quiet, the wife’s asleep, the child is hushed, and the clock strikes one!
And I think to myself, as I read the Journal, and I bless my life for the peace upstairs…